Welcome to the Skirt Life Once Again

In Tuburan, we are not called teachers; instead, we are called nurturers. And I like being called a nurturer instead of a teacher because I think teachers are naturally nurturers. It would be difficult to be a teacher if you don’t have a nurturer within you. At least that’s what I believe in.

So what do nurturers wear in Tuburan? We wear skirts every day! But that doesn’t have to mean being sexist about it. It’s not because we need to look more female or what. What I understand from it is that skirts or dresses make you look whole and seem to flow. If skirts and dresses are not available, other forms of clothing with flowy material can be used in place. A nurturer needs a certain kind of wholeness and way of flowing which skirts and dresses allow nurturers to have. Aside from that, we also wear aprons over our clothes. Mine has a floral pattern while Kate’s is a kind of denim material with lacy details in the front and Nalinii’s aprons are simple ones with no designs but are patterned according to the color of the day. (The apron that I’m using is one of the aprons that Kate’s sister sent from Korea and since she knows that I have taken a liking to floral patterns, she gave me the floral one and she uses the lacy one).

The reason why we care about how we appear to the children is because kids have a very keen way of observing the people around them and we have to be careful about the image that they could actually imitate from us. The skirts, dresses, and aprons are not only the physical aspect of us – wearing these clothes allows the flow of energy in and out, facilitates the wholeness of being, and cocoons us within what a nurturer can do based on several factors that affect different situations within the classroom.

Skirts mean more to me now that they used to mean to me when I was in college. I used to be fond of them back then because they make me feel like I’m a prettier version of myself. Back when I started wearing skirts, I was mending a broken and betrayed heart and I didn’t know that my life now can actually explain what took place at that time. I realized now that it wasn’t only about being pretty from the outside. The skirts, I didn’t know back then, allowed me to become better, renewed, and more whole.

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